Monday, July 30, 2007
zhu ri xue zhu ri
what happened? no one came to visit? please try to keep this blog alive, otherwise there's no meaning to reviving it already. thanks,
these are the videos for the zhu ri xue zhu ri.
this is the sharing by junyan, julia, bella and lloyd. and the skit by the er tong below.
God bless,
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Kallang MRT station 6 pm 3 AUGUST 2007
pls tell us earlier if ure going so we noe who we're suppose to wait for.
hope to see you all,
“What’s in your wallet?”
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Ephesians 1:3
An advertising blitz for a growing credit card company features two humorous television commercials. One features Vikings who are defeated by that credit card’s low interest rates. The other series of ads pokes fun at the apparent difficulty of cashing in on the “other company’s” frequent flier miles. Every one of the commercials ends with the same catchy tagline: “What’s in your wallet?”
It’s an interesting question. The stuff in our wallet represents financial security, purchase power, and prosperity. The question “What’s in your wallet?” is a clever way of planting doubt in our minds about whether or not we have the right stuff to get all the satisfaction we are looking for in life. It prompts us to wonder if we are getting all that we think we deserve. Is there more out there that we don’t yet have? Do we have what it takes to be successful? Of course, the intent of the ad campaign is to make us think that only this particular card will make us satisfied, secure, and significant. And if we don’t feel secure about having the right things in our wallet, perhaps we need to reevaluate its contents. But those who have traveled life’s road for a while will tell you that it’s not really the stuff in your wallet that finally brings the happiness you’re looking for.
Thankfully, God has an announcement of His own about where to find satisfaction, security, and significance! In Ephesians 1:3-14, the apostle Paul can hardly contain himself as he lists the incredible resources that our Father has placed at the disposal of His children. When we turn to Christ by faith, we’re given forgiveness—the joy of a clean conscience before God. We’re entrusted with His wisdom—inside information on how to live life without the downside of our ongoing dead-end experiments. We’re given access to his mercy and grace to find help in the time of need, worship to lift our spirits above the din of ordinary living, and prayer to put us in touch with the One who cares for us and loves us without condition. We find all of this and more in our spiritual wallet!
What are you trusting to bring you joy and satisfaction? What do you depend on to give you a sense of security and safety? Where do you turn for significance? Are you focused on a wallet that’s growing with the “right” credit cards, a thick stack of cash, and the right business cards? Ironically, a full wallet can be carried on a body with an empty heart.
Live for the incredible spiritual wealth and riches offered to you by our loving heavenly Father, who, according to James, delights in giving good gifts to His children. Your physical wallet may be almost empty, but, if your heart is full of all that Jesus offers, you’ve got all the right stuff to defeat the Vikings that plague your life and to experience true joy and satisfaction.
Think through the way you’ve spent your time this week. How does your time spent with God, accessing the riches of your heavenly Father, stack up against time spent focused on material possessions and earthly wealth?
Take a few minutes to make your own list of some of the spiritual riches that you have received in Christ. If you need some ideas, read all of Ephesians 1 and the first part of Ephesians 2.
How would your priorities and plans for the week change if your attention to spiritual riches grew and your focus on material possessions diminished?
Monday, July 23, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
the perfect prayer
Passage – Luke 18: 35 – 43
Responding - How have I experienced hesed this day?
Following - God longs to show you mercy if you call on Him.
- Michael Card, RBC Ministries
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
need your opinions
i was thinking since we have been collecting money from most of the people in Anshao for buying of presents for those birthday people, do you mind if we have like a monthly fund where we collect $2 from EVERYONE?? do comment at the tagboard. :)
gentle announcement:
(1) There will be NO SUNDAY SCHOOL for Pastor Kelly's class this coming week (22nd July). But there will be 'remedial' for those who did not attend last week (8th July).
Please turn up PUNCTUALLY at 8:30.
(2) There will be a meeting for ushers and 迎新 commitees at 1pm by Pastor Kelly. We will be evaluting on our performance for the past month. Please pass the msg down and inform me if you cannot attend.
lots of love,
Sunday, July 15, 2007
prayer request
please pray for crosby who is ill. he vomitted blood today. thank God that he has stopped vomitting, but he still feels giddy and unwell. do keep him in your prayers.
thank you.
rebecca & esther
Cool Prayer
Our days are long
and schedules are full.
You said when we are weary
We can come to you
and you will give us rest
So we come to you now
and ask you to...
Renew our spirits.
Restore strengths.
Refresh our hearts.
Thank you for being the source
of all we need to do everything
You have called us to do.
wherever we go and whatever you
ask us to do today,
May we live in your presence
because this is the place we can truly be rejuvenated.
“Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” Hebrews 4:16
When I was a little boy growing up in Hackensack, New Jersey, I would often fall asleep listening to my little radio. One of my favorite shows was “Big Joe’s Happiness Exchange,” beamed to my bedside from the heart of nearby New York City. The program always began with a deep, mellow voice saying, “Have no fear, Big Joe is here,” and then to the best of my memory he would sing something like . . .
Somebody cares about you and worries till the sun comes shining through!Somebody cares if you sleep well at night If your days go all wrong or if your day has gone right.
Then the song would conclude . . .
Please believe me it’s so,
but in case you didn’t know it,
Somebody cares.
Then people from all over the city would call in to talk to Big Joe. With an understanding and quieting spirit he would listen and encourage those who were hurting and lonely. If they had material needs, other people would call in to offer help. It was love, grace, and mercy in action. And there was something really comforting about it, even to my little soul as I fell asleep.
I’ve always been glad that Jesus offers us comfort and help like that.
Even more caring than Big Joe and much more capable to meet our needs, Jesus desires to be personally involved in our lives, to grant peace to our anxious souls, and to supply all our needs. Not limited to a one-hour call-in program, our God is “an ever-present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). And, when our troubles are so complex and overwhelming that we don’t even know what to ask for, we are assured that “the Spirit helps us in our weakness,” praying for us “with groans that words cannot express” (Romans 8:26). He promises that God will meet all of our needs “according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19) and that He “is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine” (Ephesians 3:20)! And just when you think you are down for the count, He assures you that you are not destroyed (2 Corinthians 4:9) and that nothing can separate you from His love (Romans 8:31-39)!
Knowing that He is there “24/7” is great news!
I loved Big Joe as a kid. As an adult, I love Jesus even more! What comfort and strength to know that He is ready and waiting to supply mercy and grace in our time of need.
Have no fear—Jesus is here!
· Have you cultivated the habit of taking your trouble to Jesus, or do you tend to “go it alone” when you’re in need?
· What struggles are troubling your soul today? Take some time now to “call in” to Jesus with those needs.Claim some of the promises above as you come to Him for help.
· Who do you know that is hurting? How can you bring the comfort and love of Jesus to that person today?
Saturday, July 14, 2007
ushering on sunday 15JULY2007
August 3-5, 2007
Singapore indoor stadium
Don Moen and Delirious? coming.
haha. lets go together! :D
Friday, July 13, 2007
Bible Conference
Details of RBC Bible Conference July 2007
Theme: Making Choice Choices (God-honoring Decision-Making in Our Daily Lives)
Speaker: Dr. Alice Mathews- Teacher on the RBC Ministries’ Daily Radio Program Discover the Word and Distinguished Professor of Educational Ministries and Women’s Ministries at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.
Date: 19 & 20 July 2007 (Thursday & Friday)
Time: 7.30 pm - 10.00 pm
Venue: St Andrew’s Cathedral New Sanctuary
For more information and a map of the Conference venue, please visit our web page at:
Proclaiming the Word of God RBC Ministries Singapore
In Christ,
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Unloading The Baggage
and i tot it was quite meaningful so decided to post it here:
I've highlighted some of the points which i tot was quite good. This articles looks long, but once you read it, you wont find it that long. Happy reading! ((:
"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Isaiah 40:29
I boarded the plane in Chicago with too much baggage. Not the kind of baggage that you stow in the overhead compartment or squash under the seat in front of you. Not even the kind that you check in at the airline desk. This was the kind of baggage that weighs your heart down and that, if carried around, leaves you emotionally and spiritually exhausted. An unexpected attack from a trusted friend had left me deeply upset and really confused about how to respond.
As the flight attendants went through their preflight checklist, I was lost in thought thinking through all my options. Feeling betrayed and unjustly wronged, I had a long list of possibilities—the kind of responses that seemed very natural to my fallen heart—but they were the types of choices that were wrapped in the old revenge, self-protection, and “I don’t get mad, I just get even” kind of stuff.
As we taxied out to the runway, I knew I needed a second opinion. So I simply prayed, “God, I need you to talk to me. I desperately need your wisdom. You brought this into my life for a purpose, but I don’t know what to do next.”
As the plane climbed, I began to feel closer to God. Not physically closer (although praying above the clouds at 35,000 feet does lend a different perspective), but spiritually closer as He began to share His wisdom with me. My natural thoughts and desires to fight back and demand my rights were replaced with Jesus’ instruction to “turn the other cheek,” to “go the extra mile,” to “bless those who curse me.”
Of course, my human nature continued to argue for a while. “But, God, I’ll feel so weak. I’ll feel like a pushover, a weakling. I need to fight for myself.” The reality is, my pride wanted to keep the baggage. My ego wanted to hang on to the situation and to try to deal with it through human, natural, flawed means. Trusting the Lord’s wisdom would mean that I no longer had control of the situation.
But God in His grace reminded me of the surrender of Christ on the cross. He drew me to the fact that for Jesus the path to glory was the path of surrender and letting go. The one who is the Lion of Judah is also the Lamb that was slain. And God drew me to that point of decision once again. Was I going to manage this situation to my advantage or was I going to release it, in trust and obedience, to Him?
I am thankful to say that when the plane landed in New York, I left some baggage on it. I walked through the terminal without the heaviness of heart that comes from fighting for my own rights. I headed for my hotel free of the weight of bitterness that the enemy was trying to stir up in my soul. God had renewed my strength and the weariness was gone.
Let me invite you to the privilege of waiting on the Lord. As Isaiah reminds us, He never grows weary. His wisdom never runs out. His power, His might, and His truth are available and accessible to His children. You don’t need to walk another step with that load of fear, guilt, anger, bitterness, or confusion.
Check your carry-on baggage. Surrender it to Him and then seek His wisdom to strengthen and direct you.
It makes the journey so much more enjoyable!
-Make a list of some of the problems and conflicts that have surfaced in your life. How much of your time and energy is spent in dealing with these issues?
-How has your emotional and spiritual health been affected by the weight of these issues? Has it affected your physical health?
-What fears surface when you think about giving up control of these situations? Why is it tempting to hang on to them?
-Take a few minutes in prayer to release these situations, one by one, to God’s control. Then humbly ask the Lord to fill you with His truth and wisdom.
-As you move through the rest of your day, wait on the Lord. Instead of rushing ahead to your own solutions for each situation, practice the skill of waiting for His direction.
God bless,
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
i've decided to post some related stuff.
some Q&A thing that maybe you guys will like to know.
enjoy :)
"Can you give me some Christian relationship advice?"
Answer: We often receive questions along the lines of: "I am interested in two different guys...which one should I choose to be my boyfriend." - or - "I am in a relationship and my girlfriend did/said "_____" so, should I break up with her?" These type of questions are very difficult for us to answer.
It is our advice that you speak with God about your relationship. Pray to the Lord, asking Him to clearly reveal to you what He would have you do (Philippians 4:6-7). Pray, asking God to give you wisdom and discernment (James 1:5). God promises to grant prayer requests that are asked according to His will (1 John 5:14-15). Being wise and discerning are most definitely God's will. God wants you to make good relationship decisions. As a Christian, God desires you to be joyous and edified as a result of your relationships. If you ask God with an open heart and humble spirit - He will give you the relationship advice you need.
"Is there such a thing as soul mates? Does God have one specific person for you to marry?"
Answer: The Bible does not indicate that there is a specific spouse picked out for each person. It is impossible for us to fully understand the ways of God. We know that He knows us before we are even born. “I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my spokesman to the world” (Jeremiah 1:5). He knows what choices we are going to make, and knows whether we will turn to Him or not (Romans 8:29-30). He knows the number of hairs on our heads (Matthew 10:30). If we give ourselves to God, and seek His guidance, He promises to direct us. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).
People often make choices that are against the will of God – Christians and non-Christians alike. Therefore if God had planned for us to be with one person only, and we miss the chance, then our life's plan would be ruined. But the Bible says that even the most “foolish” plan of God's is far wiser than the wisest plan a human could devise (1 Corinthians 1:25), which means His plan cannot be put off track. When we decide to make the choice to follow God, I believe He will put in our path the right people and the right situations that will mold us into the people that He wants us to be. Even if a Christian marries a non-Christian, God has the power to work miracles and change that person's life. We, as humans, get ourselves into the messiest positions, but God in His infinite wisdom and grace can dig us out if we seek Him.
Although nowadays almost everyone marries, it is not in God's will for everyone to marry. Paul said, “I wish everyone could get along without marrying, just as I do. But we are not all the same. God gives some the gift of marriage, and to others he gives the gift of singleness” (1 Corinthians 7:7). Neither one of these choices is better than another. Obviously God would not intend for everyone to be single, otherwise that would mean He intended for the earth's population to cease. And He does not want everyone to be married because some people simply do better on their own. We all serve God in different ways. Either way, God wants to be the center of our lives. If we seek His direction He will lead us the way He wants us to go and bless our lives to do His work.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
don't forget to send her your birthday wishes! :)
*on behalf of anshao*
best wishes and God bless,
yvonne :)
finally, we've (jen and i) revived this blog. this is another new blog that we've created cuz the old one cannot seem to work. the purpose of this blog is to update you on the recent stuff that is happening in the youth. like outings, announcements and stuff. the column is at the side of the page. we'll be posting articles, some interesting stuff about christians and PICTURES!!
i'll be very glad if you guys wanna post. just email me the content and i'll post it up for you after neccesary amendments. do not hesitate to inform me if i gave any wrong information in the blog.
we do link people in out blog. so tell us if you want to be link or not cuz we've already linked a few people. any other comments, just leave it at the tagboard. most importantly, NO MIS-USING OF THE TAGBOARD :)
can email us at: if you have any private comments. :)