Friday, June 4, 2010

Broken Heart?

Comfort for the Broken Heart

It is never easy to endure heartbreak.
Sometimes it may even feel as though half of your life has left you, but there is a Physician who can heal the wounded heart, there is One who loves you infinitely more than anyone on earth could ever love you.

`To every sincere prayer an answer will come. It may not come just as you desire, or at the time you look for it; but it will come in the way and at the time that will best meet your need.’ (MYP250)

Friend, God loves you with a love that is everlasting - it will never change - and He will never forsake you.
His is a love that is so strong that He was willing to bear the pain of seeing His Son dying the death that you and I deserve.

Would the one over whom your heart is now broken have been willing to do that for you?
Would your lost love have been willing to die so that you may live?

Yes, your heart is broken, but Jesus is waiting right now . . . He invites you to place your trembling hand in His.
He has a deep and intense interest in your life and He wants to calm your fears and to ease your sorrows.
No, God never promised that life would be easy, or that life would be free from pain, but He has promised that He will always be there when you need Him.
He longs to cradle your brow to His bosom, He wants you to tell Him just how you feel.

It does not matter how bad you might have been, or for how long you might have ignored Him - go on, right now, and speak to your heavenly Father, tell Him how much it hurts, unburden your sad heart to Him, and you will surely feel His love filling the aching void that has been left in your life.

The time will surely come when you will not feel the pain and the loss as you do now, so look ahead to that time, shift your thoughts from the present to the future - to the moment when you will look back on this day and marvel at how God uses time to heal all wounds.

You might have lost your love, but you are not unloved.
Start today and work on your vertical love relationship with God, then He will surely work out your next horizontal love relationship - without all the pain.

Make God's love the supreme interest of your heart, then you will be able to keep all other relationships in perspective. Give your heavenly Father your supreme affections, and you will never again hurt as you are hurting today.

We invite you to turn in your Bible to Isaiah chapter 53.
This chapter is the central message of Scripture, for it speaks of a love that has no parallel - it speaks of the brokenhearted Jesus . . . Yes, even He was brokenhearted.
This chapter tells how we broke His heart, and how He endured supreme suffering in order to attract us to Him. His love is true love and true love is unconditional, and it cannot change.

Spend time now considering this chapter - it will heal your aching heart.

Then, starting tomorrow, try setting aside the best hour in every day, preferably some time before breakfast, to sit quietly with Jesus and allow Him to speak to you out of His word.

No one will ever love you like Jesus does.


Yeap, as what Myrtie Hobson said, "God will mend a broken heart if you give him all the pieces."

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